Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Creative Suite Session 3: InDesign

Working in InDesign.
Create a new document. 

Re-cap of swatches. 
Create a box to fill with colour. Select the swatches palette to choose a preferred 

Create a new swatch.

Create new tint swatch. This is an easier way to generate a variety of tints in InDesign. The amount of tint can be inputted specifically or defined by the slider as shown below:

Each new tint should appear in the swatch palette, including the percentage of tint which has been applied. Every time the tint is altered, it will be based on the original swatch as opposed to the newly created tints. Therefore its not possible to create a tint of a tint.

Each new tint when placed alongside one another should look something like this:

Place a new image into InDesign

When the new images are added, the new swatches used in this image should appear in your swatch palette.


Key Things to remember when using Photoshop:
  • CMYK
  • Actual size
  • 300dpi
  • TIFF or PSD (transparency)


select separations preview: view mode - separations

Once this is selected the spot colours all become active.

Four colour channels are now present as they would be in Photoshop.
This is used for the four-colour print set-up.

Similar to screen-printing, positives are created in InDesign. This setup is a more commercial process as opposed to exposing/setting up a silk screen with emulsion to print individual layers.

Select printer 
select paper to be printed onto
Its optional to include text information when printing - this will name each positive

Knocking out and Overprinting
-when selecting cyan alone, where the yellow overlaps, the cyan is 'knocked out'

Black does not knock out the colour, this is known as overprinting. It doesnt mix with the other colours,  instead it will obliterate the other inks.

Select yellow & then select 'over print fill' from the attributes menu
-This will enable the cyan and yellow to print over one another and therefore mix together to create a new colour -- as it would be printed by hand, eg screen printing.

Separations preview must be selected in order to see the changes made to the document swatches. 

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