Tuesday, 19 November 2013

OUGD504: Design Production: Design for Web 3

Aim for today:
1. Create a working 4 page website.

Continuing on from the previous web session.

Create a new document in Illustrator. This should be 231px x 100px for the website we are working with.

Create a new layer - this will function as the hover layer

Hide the first layer

when both layers are saved, return to Dreamweaver

The coding for the four new buttons should look like this


website size: 768x1024 

CSS box model

1024/2 = 512px

20px gap around the edge of the website (padding)

20px edge // 20px top // 20px gutter

512 - 60 = 964px /2 = 482

668 - 80 = 628px

box model explained:

Specifying the left and right webpage padding. In this case the padding is 10px left and 10px right. In the Dreamweaver stylesheet document, the coding should look like this:
Coding the text to align it left and right
 This should look something like this:

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