Saturday 6 October 2012

How To... Brief

For our first brief we were asked to develop and produce a information source for new students starting at LCA. Each group was given a different question at random. My group was given the question 'How to survive when your student loan is late'. 
We began by creating a brainstorm on a broad range of ideas surrounding money, students and methods of advertisement.

One of our initial ideas was to focus on labels in supermarkets - essential for monitoring your budget. I was interested to find out if there was a way we were able to re-brand a range of labels in supermarkets to make saving money more simple. For example if there was a traffic light system - red for expensive, yellow for averagely priced and green for a cheaper option. The colours would supposedly be seen instantly and help students who have never budgeted before to get a better idea of how to avoid high costs. As a student moving from London I find it hard to gage what a good deal is in Leeds as everything appears to be a bargain to what I am used to. This idea was inspired by labelling in supermarkets such as Sainsburys Basics, Morrosions Savers and Tesco Value. In theory the colour coding would have the same response as say the London Underground tube map, saving time on smaller details. However we decided this idea was slightly unrealistic due to cost, time and the supermarket policies.

After much discussion of how we wanted to present our final outcome, sticking with the purposes to inform, advise and educate we decided to create a Student Survival Kit.We experimented with ideas of how to design a student survival kit and what we thought would be most suitable. Through discussion within the group and class we thought about presenting it as an advent calendar. Students would receive one new 'survival item' per day. This would be a fun, unusual distraction from the stress of waiting for a maintenance load. As our ideas developed further we decided our theme was going to be humorous and lighthearted. The Student Survival Kit started to take the form of an army camo style. Using camo emphasised the informal approach to 'survival. 

As the brief asked us how we would get the information across to the target audience we agreed it would be most practical in the form of a bag to be handed out at the freshers fair. We began simple illustrations of items to go inside the bag. We each gave ourselves an item to focus on. I was in charge of designing the flyer. 

For the front of the flyer I decided to use the camo design as a background and all of our final, scanned in illustrations. As the flyer was to be A5 I thought it would be best to just have our main logo on the from in the bottom right corner and save the main information for the back. The main colour themes were camo greens, black and white. 

The back of the flyer had the main logo in camo print at the top. Beneath that was a list of 8 top money saving tips which were chosen from our personal opinions with the help of an article on This flyer would be used as our main source of quick and easy information for students on how and why they should use their Survival Kit. By using all of the illustrations the students are able to instantly see what is in the bag. By keeping the information relatively minimal I wanted to tempt the target audience to want to find out more and speak to other students. 

The 7 final outcomes were a canvas bag which we printed our design onto using iron transfer papaer, a packet of seeds with the slogan 'Grow your own loan', a flyer containing the essential information, a box of vitamins with a humorous set of advice and a packet of Super Noodles.

As a group we worked well together and were very happy with our final result. The only disadvantage of working in a group is that ideas can be ignored, rejected or not understood properly. However by carrying out this task I feel that we have proven if your confident enough about one idea, 5 creative minds together can produce a strong, effective outcome.

Flyer Front

Flyer Back

Final Outcomes

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